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 International Financial Services CentreCustom House Docks, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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[Journal of Irish urban studies] The evolution of urban conservation in Ireland : evidence from Dublin city (2003)Journal Article
[Journal of Irish urban studies] Empowering communities in disadvantaged urban areas: towards greater community participation in Irish urban planning? A research summary (2005-2007)Journal Article
[Journal of Irish urban studies] Urban planning and regeneration : a community perspective (2004)Journal Article
[Journal of Irish urban studies] Forty years of Irish urban planning - an overview (2004)Journal Article
[Journal of Irish urban studies] Tallaght : the planning and development of an Irish new town (2004)Journal Article
[Journal of Irish urban studies] The integration of aspects of enterprise and urban regeneration policies in the development of the International Financial Services Centre in Dublin (2005-2007)Journal Article
[Journal of Irish urban studies] Service activity concentration in Dublin: implications for National Urban Policy and for Irish Regional Development (2005-2007)Journal Article
[Journal of Irish urban studies] The development of the functional urban region of Dublin : implications for regional development markets and planning (2008-2010)Journal Article
[Journal of Irish urban studies] Access to housing : the role of housing supply and urban development policy in the Greater Dublin area (2003)Journal Article
[Journal of Irish urban studies] Economic geographies of the urban system : top-down / bottom-up trajectories of development and change in Dublin's inner city (2002)Journal Article
[Journal of Irish urban studies] Transport infrastructure and sustainability of urban development (2002)Journal Article
[Journal of Irish urban studies] High development land prices and the realities of urban property markets (2003)Journal Article
[Journal of Irish urban studies] Simulated future development of the Greater Dublin Area : consequences for protected areas and coastal flooding risks (2008-2010)Journal Article
[Journal of Irish urban studies] Local development issues in the urban periphery : Tallaght from the bottom up (2002)Journal Article
[Journal of Irish urban studies] Dublin's north fringe : a new model for suburban greenfield development (2002)Journal Article
[Journal of Irish urban studies] Planning Dublin : goals achieved and opportunities lost (Papers from practice) (2004)Journal Article
[Journal of Irish urban studies] Changing patterns of international investment: implications for urban development in Ireland (2005-2007)Journal Article
[Journal of Irish urban studies] Biodiversity in Dublin : a case study approach (2008-2010)Journal Article
[Journal of Irish urban studies] Urban governance and the environment: an Irish case (2004)Journal Article
[Journal of Irish urban studies] The expansion of Dublin and the policy implications of dispersal (2002)Journal Article
[Journal of Irish urban studies] Cities in civilization : culture, innovation and urban order (2003)Journal Article
[Journal of Irish urban studies] The suburbanisation of office development and its transport implications (2002)Journal Article
[Journal of Irish urban studies] Changing office location patterns and their importance in the peripheral expansion of the Dublin region 1960-2008 (2008-2010)Journal Article
[Journal of Irish urban studies] Planning suburbia : density dilemmas (2002)Journal Article
[Journal of Irish urban studies] Affordability and access to Irish housing : trends, policy, prospects (2003)Journal Article
[Journal of Irish urban studies] Financial perspectives on the Irish private rented sector: a comparative analysis of market rent levels, investor yields and affordability (2005-2007)Journal Article
[Journal of Irish urban studies] Public Private Partnerships in Irish schools: an appraisal (2005-2007)Journal Article
[Journal of Irish urban studies] The Liberties transformed: the emergence of new commercial and residential spaces in inner Dublin (2005-2007)Journal Article
[Journal of Irish urban studies] Planning and the environment (2004)Journal Article
[Journal of Irish urban studies] Using planning gain for tenure mixing in Ireland: is there evidence for the intervention? (2005-2007)Journal Article
[Journal of Irish urban studies] Benchmarking for strategic regional metropolitan plans (2002)Journal Article
[Journal of Irish urban studies] Supply constraints and serviced land development supply in the Dublin region : a review of the projections and recommendations of Bacon III (2003)Journal Article
[Journal of Irish urban studies] An emerging system of local governance? a review of policy, practice and prospects for the future (2003)Journal Article
[Journal of Irish urban studies] Promoting housing affordability: the changing nature of the shared ownership scheme (2005-2007)Journal Article
[Journal of Irish urban studies] The growth in office take-up in Dublin's suburbs : a product of occupiers' changing locational criteria? (2002)Journal Article
[Journal of Irish urban studies] Scenario planning : an evaluation of practice (2002)Journal Article
[Journal of Irish urban studies] The high rise dilemma : facing the paradox of diversification and intensification (2002)Journal Article
[Journal of Irish urban studies] The emergence of the housing affordability gap (2003)Journal Article
[Journal of Irish urban studies] Local authority perceptions of housing associations (2003)Journal Article
[Journal of Irish urban studies] Dublin's fourth office development boom (2003)Journal Article
[Journal of Irish urban studies] Participation at the periphery : community participation in the reformed local government structures (2002)Journal Article
[Journal of Irish urban studies] Policy and practice in tenant participation : empowering tenants? (2002)Journal Article
[Journal of Irish urban studies] The east coast corridor : spatial development strategies for the Dublin - Belfast metropolitan regions (2002)Journal Article
[Journal of Irish urban studies] The planning system and housing supply (2003)Journal Article
[Journal of Irish urban studies] Dublin's fifth office development boom (2005-2007)Journal Article
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