document details

Journal Article

Journal TitlePerspective
Article TitleMichael Healy 1873-1941 - An Tur Gloine's stained glass pioneer : book review
AuthorHarron, Paul
DateJanuary 2024
Contentphotos, text
OrganisationAn Tur Gloine
Note(s)This article is a review of a book about the life and works of Michael Healy, who was a member of the An Tur Gloine (Tower of Glass) collective studio. David Caron, the book's author, says Healy "produced many exceptional stained glass windows [nearly 100 in total], objects of sublime beauty and often of profound religious sentiment". Many of his works can be found in Northern Ireland.
Subject(s)churches ; stained glass ; Arts and Crafts Movement
QUB LocationSearch QUB Library Catalogue
UCD LocationSearch UCD Library Catalogue

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